There are lots of ways to connect with us:
Monthly Coffee Morning 1st Friday of the month 10.00am – 11.30am in church. A very popular event with all sections of our community. Drop in anytime throughout the morning. A chance to chat, to laugh, to eat tasty snacks and drink proper coffee. What’s not to like?
Life Groups
We have two groups meeting regularly: Wednesday 1.30pm weekly on Zoom and Thursday evenings 8pm fortnightly at the Swan Inn. We also have annual Lent groups, and there are numerous other groups around our team of churches meeting at different times of the week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings). Contact Rev. Matt for more details.
Here at All Saints, prayer is central to what we do. Everyone is warmly invited to all of our prayer meetings and services.
– We have a fortnightly prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings – ask Rev. Matt for more details.
– We offer a confidential prayer chain for urgent prayer requests: prayerchain.mkv@gmail.com.
– To check out some great prayer apps to use during the week, head over to our Useful links page.
– Every year there is a Week of Guided Prayer in June, and additional prayer events around the Partnership on a regular basis
– We also support Thy Kingdom Come prayer initiative in May each year, joining with thousands of other churches around the UK
Dorcas Group meets fortnightly on a Tuesday morning. If you would like to join them for fellowship and coffee and have a craft project to complete, do contact Sylvia (tel: 376344) for details of time and venue.
Bell ringing – our team of ringers practises weekly on Wednesday evenings. Good exercise and good fun! Contact Rev. Matt for more details.
Each year at All Saints we nominate two charities that will receive the proceeds from specific events throughout our church calendar. We also have regular collections at various points in the year for specific causes, including Ride’n’Stride in September.