On this page we’ll be sharing anything to lift our spirits in this current time. All stories and photos below have been reproduced with permission from those sharing them:
A year of church online
It’s been quite a journey – to enjoy a 5-minute montage of highlights, click here.

MK Nativity
To watch Alise’s unique re-telling of the Nativity Story set in our very own MK, click here:

Timelapse Nativity
To enjoy Emily’s amazing timelapse produced for Christmas 2020, the final version of which is below, click here:

‘Whose time is it?’
Our talented young people have written, recorded and produced artwork for a song about their experience of living through COVID-19. To listen to it click here.

All Saints from the air
All Saints as you’ve never seen it before! A drone recently shot some lovely aerial footage of the church. To enjoy, click here.
Surplus Sunflowers bring sunshine!
Sylvia in Monkston had a surplus of sunflower plants grown from seed which she would normally sell at the MK Village Fete, with proceeds going to our church. This year, during lockdown, she left the plants on her front garden with an honesty tin for people who would like to make a donation to the church. We are delighted to say that the sale of these, together with the sale of tomato, pepper and other plants, raised £150! We are hugely grateful that Sylvia has donated proceeds to All Saints – thank you!

A new ‘allotment adventure’ for Susan…
‘Earlier this week I received an unexpected call from the Allotments Officer for Monkston Park. I’ve been waiting some years and had given up hope of any becoming available. This morning I arrived early to meet the Officer. Peering through the gates I had a shimmer of doubt – I know nothing about allotments. The first allotment was little too small, the second was a little too grassy, but the third – with an apple tree in one corner a small potting shed – was just right! “Yes please, this one is perfect.” The deal was done, and despite all those who’ve said: “It’ll be too much work,” or “the children won’t be interested”, the children and me are going to spend this summer finding out for ourselves!’

Rhododendrons in full bloom in local woods
As glorious as they’ve ever been this Spring!

Fundraising for the NHS, Refuge and Age UK:
Amanda organised a virtual get-together last week, which raised £235! A fantastic result!

Beauty encountered on a daily walk:
The following photos were taken this week by one of our church members out for their daily exercise – God’s creation in full bloom!

From Alice – a life-size hug for Nana, and a picture of a special friend:

From Jane – the churchyard still in fine shape as Holy Week begins…

From Emily – building a ‘Bug Hotel’ with the family, now that schools are closed:
“It comes complete with patio furniture (bottle tops), a path to the front door and welcome signs! A spider and baby slug have already moved in!” Admire their handiwork below….

From Sandy – Experience of being a Key Worker at the moment:
“I collected my mask (photo below) on Monday morning last week (23 March 2020) from my Intrust Care office with more PPE kit that we usually have:- gloves, aprons and shoe covers. After collecting my products from the office, driving home I decided to pop into Waitrose with thoughts “should I?” running through my head, to get some bananas, as I have one every morning with my breakfast. I drove into the car park, lots of cars, popped in: there were few people in the store, I was able to get what I wanted and the cashier told me I come can in at the early opening as I am a key worker. I arrived on Thursday night to a client to the sound of clapping and shouts of thank you from residents nearby “Clap for Carers”. My colleague wrote in our staff Whats app group “A positive note. Sandy and I were outside a client today and we got applauded and thanked for doing our job. Very heart warming.”